Short recap: CD5-9 I took 50mg of Clomid in hopes of producing good size follicles so I could inject HCG. I went to the doctor yesterday for my CD13 check and no big follicles. They were all under 10mm. Yesterday I started 100mg of Clomid. My doctor used the analogy "your water isn't boiling yet. I'll keep turning up the heat until it does" ha! I return to the doctor on CD21 for a follicle and mucus check again. Lets pray for some big ones so I can trigger!
Before my appointment yesterday, I was instructed to have sex right before the appointment. The Hubs does not do well with scheduled sex and he doesn't like the pressure. I decided to not tell him and just try to be sneaky and spontaneous with waking him up with sex yesterday morning. Here is an excerpt from my personal blog to share how my morning went. Beware of the strong language:
Last night I told The Hubs to make sure the alarm is set early enough for us to have sex in the morning. I didn't tell him that it was doctor's orders...I just made it sound all exciting and stuff. I even used the words "do you want to wake up with your dick in my mouth" lmfao We had this discussion about how he will need to pee first.
I never hear his alarm clock...I usually wake up when he gets out of bed. So at 5:43 he gets out of bed. I remember looking at the clock and thinking wtf he has to be at work at 6. I hear him in the bathroom so I'm like oh, its ok he's just going pee and then he'll come back in. Then he lets the dogs out and then he goes to smoke. WTF I am still at this point thinking ok I know he wouldn't forget our plans.
....and then he starts to put his shoes on and shit hits the fan.
"What about having sex this morning"
"I'm already late for work. You were suppose to wake me up"
"You know I never hear the alarm! I was waiting on you to go pee!!"
I was on the verge of tears at this point
"What is the big fucking deal?!?
"We HAVE to have sex ok?! We just fucking have to and I wasn't going to tell you. I was trying to be sneaky but apparently you didn't want to fulfill my needs very badly did you?!
"What do you mean?! What are you talking about"
At this point I'm bawling on the bed and explaining to him the situation. He's just staring at me like omfg you can't be serious. He gets on the phone and calls in late to work
Pretty dramatic huh? We are suppose to have sex again before the appointment next week. I have chosen to just tell him this time to avoid all the drama and tears.
I should probably tell you that fraternal twins run in my family. My dad is a twin and my great uncles were twins. The fraternal twin gene is the hereditary one..not identical. With the use of Clomid, HCG and my family history, I have a pretty high chance of multiples.....well, if the medicine works and my body would cooperate.
I'll try to be better about posting after my appointment next week :)