Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I've been feeling funky today and yesterday.  I'm blaming it on ovulation though.  Yesterday and today I've felt like I just did a bunch of sit ups.  Yesterday, I guess you can classify it as my ovaries were hurting? I had kind of a jabbing pain just inside of my hip bone.  Today I'm feeling a little nauseous, no appetite and a slight headache.  I'm been a little more tired than normal but it's not a "omg I have to go to sleep right now" kind of feeling. 

This morning my temperature took a huge spike, more than it normally does at this time.  It went from a 97.2 to a 98.8.  I even retook it thinking that maybe I was just too hot under the covers! haha  I know a temperature increase signals the end of ovulation but it was just strange it went up so high. 

I've been listening to two songs over and over again crying like a big baby! The first is Adele's version of Make You Feel My Love.  She does an amazing job of Bob Dylan's song.  It's beautiful, soulful and moving...I love it.  The second is Then by Brad Paisley.  Also, I watched One Tree Hill tonight and cried through most of it...although that show always makes me cry.

My next doc appointment is Monday.  The last few days I've been imaging going in and him doing an ultrasound and mucus check and saying "you're pregnant!".  Then I go into thoughts about how I will tell the Hub and who I will call first. I really need to just stop with those thoughts.  I know I just set myself up for disappointment. 

I have to start focusing on the positive and believe in every little milestone.  According to my temps, it looks like I ovulated this month on just Actos.  That's a positive thing! Also, the Hub's sperm analysis came back and it's completely normal.  That's a positive thing!

Unless I have crazy symptoms this week to post about, I probably won't update again until after my appointment Monday.  Have a great week!

Friday, April 23, 2010


Well I think I ovulated yesterday.  My temp took a huge drop and went back up today. I never could get a positive ovulation test though.  I guess the doctor will be able to tell when I see him May 3rd.  We had sexy time the day before yesterday and last night.

This morning I woke up not feeling well.  It could be anxiety and stress though.  We're in the middle of selling our house and finding a rental and my husband is up for orders to transfer across the country so we're in the middle of figuring out where we'll be moving to in December.  I'm a little behind in my work and have no motivation to do it so that has been weighing on my mind as well.

Besides...people don't feel sick that soon anyway right?!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

CD9 part 2

The last CD9 post was posted around midnight last night and I still had some spotting going on.  Great news! It's now 1:30pm and I've had no spotting since I've woken up.  Wow..this is the first time I've not had stuff coming out in over a month.  It feels a little awkward to not be concerned I'm walking around with a stain on my butt! This means we can get our groove thang on without any objections!
My temperature was back to normal this morning.  It makes me wonder if I had those few days of crazy temperatures because I was stressing about the HSG and wasn't getting very restful sleep. 
We should be getting the Hub's latest sperm analysis results this week.  I'm not concerned that it will come back abnormal but it would be nice to not hold 100% of the blame for infertility.  I'm mean right? :)

Monday, April 19, 2010


I am three days post HSG and I'm still spotting.  It mostly only comes out when I pee though.  The doctor instructed me to not have sex until all spotting has stopped, but ovulation time is coming up! Hopefully it stops by then!
Although, my temperatures all over the place.  The plan is to see if Actos is going to make me ovulate this month but according to my temperatures it's not looking good.
All the pain from the HSG is gone...I think.  I feel "different" but it could be because ovulation is coming up. 

Friday, April 16, 2010


It's my CD6 and I had an HSG this afternoon.

I'm not going to sugar coat it....it hurt like total hell.  Here's what happened

I arrive and get registered and everything.  The nurse takes me back to a typical looking x-ray room where I changed into a gown but only had to get undressed from the waste down.  The radiology tech took a quick preliminary x-ray before the doctor arrived.  A few minutes later the doctor arrived and we chatted a little bit about how I was doing w/ my meds and stuff.  At that point he positioned me at the end of this awful cold hard steel bed.  I had my feet propped up on the edge of the table so that it was similar to being in stirrups.  He injected something into my cervix and that's where the pain began.  It felt like getting shots into your gums when you're about to get a filling.  Those were done three times then he swabbed my cervix with antiseptic and with medication to help prevent infection.  That felt similar to getting a pap smear.  When he enter the catheter used to insert the dye, it burned and stung a little.  At this point, I had to scoot up on the table so that I was under the x-ray machine with the speculum and catheter still inside...that was a little awkward.  He put some of the dye into my uterus and then I had to semi-turn to the right and he put more dye in and then I turned to my left where more dye went it.  When I was facing the right...it hurt horribly.  I was almost in tears but I held it back and kept taking deep breaths.  It was a sharp, cramping, throbbing, burning kind of pain.  I was told by people who've had the procedure that it feels like menstrual cramps..but that is a huge lie.  It is WAY worse than that.  Then the doctor pulled the catheter and speculum out which wasn't bad because my focus was on the pain in my uterus area.  The dye was pouring out of me.  I felt like I was peeing on the table.  Driving home I felt great and about an hour later I started having mild pain.  You know that dull ache you get when you leave a tampon in too long? That's what I felt like.  I'm 9 hours post procedure and I'm feeling pretty good.  I really only had dye leakage for about 4 hours afterwards and it wasn't anything a pantiliner couldn't handle. 

Last night I took 600mg of ibuprofen, at 7am this morning I took 800mg and another 800mg about an hour before the HSG was done.  I also ate a decent lunch 6in turkey from Subway.  This is what I was instructed to do by the doctor and I really think it helped a lot. 

The positive is that the procedure was super quick.  Also, I had no blockage or abnormalities.  Hopefully the dye "cleaned out the cobwebs" and I get pregnant soon!  The funny thing....my left fallopian tube is curled! It has one loop right in the middle.  Doc assured me that it's normal and doenst cause problems but to me it seems like it would make it harder for the little guys to get to the egg.  I need to google it and see just how loopy I am compared to the rest of the world :)

I plan to buy some ovulation tests this weekend and start testing.  I'm curious to know if I am going to ovulate with just taking Actos.

Was the HSG as bad as I planned it in my head? Yes, most definitely and I hope I never have to go through that again!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hello Everyone!  First of all, thank you advance for all of your support, love, prayers and compassion.  As you may know, it means a lot to fellow PCOSers trying to start a family.

I am a 27 year old military wife.  I met my husband in July 2007, got engaged November 2008 and married September 2009. 

In March 2008, the Hub and I started talking about the fact that we've never used birth control and what if I was to get pregnant?  Are we ready for a child? Do we want to try to have a child?  The answer was yes. We knew were were going to be married at some point so why wait?  Taking into consideration that I've my monthly aunt Ruby Flo hadn't come to town in several months, I decided I should probably see a doctor about it. 

April 2008 I was officially diagnosed with PCOS by blood work and transvaginal ultrasound.  When my doctor was delivering this news to me, it didn't really affect me because I had no clue what it was.  I've never heard of it before.  I was under the impression it was something that I would just take some medicine for and be done with it.  That evening I researched the awful "disease" and sat at my laptop in shock.  Does this mean I'm infertile? Does this mean I will never have a child of my own? How in the world are we suppose to avoid infertility treatment?

My PCP started me on Metformin 1000mg per day.  It made me super sick but I kept taking it because I thought it was the only way.  After 3 weeks of complete misery, I was told that I could cut the pills in half and take them sporadically throughout the day to see if I could tolerate them better.  No such luck.  I never grew a tolerance to the Metformin and suffered through it for several months even after it was regulating my cycle.

I had my first appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist in April 2009.  He started me on Prometrium to jump start my cycle then I took Clomid 50mg on cycle days 5-9.  I was a raging ball of hormones! Wow was I mean and I'm surprised I wasn't served divorced papers! I also did another round of Clomid in May. By this time I was in full wedding planning mode, stressed out to the max and decided it was a waste of time and money to undergo fertility during those months.  In July 2009 the Hub had a sperm analysis that had normal results.

I went back to the RE in November 2009 and we again did a Clomid cycle with no results.  Clomid made my temperatures good and showed that I ovulated but I could never get an ovulation test to read positive.  Every month that I had went in to see this physician, I felt like he wasn't listening to me and when I would ask him about taking a different medicine than Metformin, he would tell me "I'm not here to make you miserable.  I'm here to get you pregnant".  I've specifically asked him about Actos and Femara and got run-around answers.  Also, by this time my insurance, BCBS stopped paying for the ultrasounds because I had been diagnosed (insurance only covered it until I was diagnosed).  When I walked out of my November appointment with the RE I was charged $200 and decided there was no way in hell we could afford to pay that every month, especially since I was on the verge of quitting my job.

March 2010 rolls around and I began coverage under Tricare Prime and was due for pap smear. I made an appointment with a base doctor who referred me to a fertility doctor who accepts Tricare.  It actually worked out perfectly because it was a physician I had wanted to be referred to. 

My first appointment with the new doctor was April 1, 2010.  He and all of the office staff was amazing.  He asked lots of questions and did lots more tests than the previous doctor did.  He told me the game plan for the upcoming few months and I left his office feeling much more confident that I ever had with the previous physician.  He gave me a prescription for Actos 15mg daily and Provera 10mg x7 days and instructed me to start charting my temperatures. 

April 11 was CD1.  I've been scheduled for an HSG on April 16 but I'm still having lots of bleeding.  Hopefully it stops by Friday and I won't have to reschedule the HSG.  Also, the Hub will be dropping off a sperm sample Friday to test for strict morphology as that wasn't done last year.  He's quite excited about cumming in a cup again :)

I will be returning to the doctor on CD22 to have my progesterone tested and to go over the sperm analysis. 

Now that you've been completely updated, I hope you follow along on my journey.  I'm praying it's a short one.

I'm quite nervous about the HSG.  I've heard mixed feelings about it so we'll see.  I'll post after the procedure.