Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I've been feeling funky today and yesterday.  I'm blaming it on ovulation though.  Yesterday and today I've felt like I just did a bunch of sit ups.  Yesterday, I guess you can classify it as my ovaries were hurting? I had kind of a jabbing pain just inside of my hip bone.  Today I'm feeling a little nauseous, no appetite and a slight headache.  I'm been a little more tired than normal but it's not a "omg I have to go to sleep right now" kind of feeling. 

This morning my temperature took a huge spike, more than it normally does at this time.  It went from a 97.2 to a 98.8.  I even retook it thinking that maybe I was just too hot under the covers! haha  I know a temperature increase signals the end of ovulation but it was just strange it went up so high. 

I've been listening to two songs over and over again crying like a big baby! The first is Adele's version of Make You Feel My Love.  She does an amazing job of Bob Dylan's song.  It's beautiful, soulful and moving...I love it.  The second is Then by Brad Paisley.  Also, I watched One Tree Hill tonight and cried through most of it...although that show always makes me cry.

My next doc appointment is Monday.  The last few days I've been imaging going in and him doing an ultrasound and mucus check and saying "you're pregnant!".  Then I go into thoughts about how I will tell the Hub and who I will call first. I really need to just stop with those thoughts.  I know I just set myself up for disappointment. 

I have to start focusing on the positive and believe in every little milestone.  According to my temps, it looks like I ovulated this month on just Actos.  That's a positive thing! Also, the Hub's sperm analysis came back and it's completely normal.  That's a positive thing!

Unless I have crazy symptoms this week to post about, I probably won't update again until after my appointment Monday.  Have a great week!

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